Voice Changer App

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Clownfish's API

Voice Changer App For Mac


You can control Clownfish by sending windows messages from your application( see Data Copy )
Sent command should be utf8 encoded string in this format 'X|Y'. X - numeric comand, Y-string/numeric value
Command X=0 ( start audio file ) , Y - is file location
Command X=1 ( start text to speech ), Y - text to be converted
Command X=2 ( enable/disable Clownfish ), Y - 0/1
Command X=3 ( set voice changer ), Y - (0-14) - selected voice (0:none)
Command Custom pitch 3|13|Z - Z float pitch level (-15.0 to +15.0) ex. '3|13|2.55'
Command X=4 ( set sound fx ), Y - (1-4) - selected effect (0:disable)
Command X=5 ( set sound volume ), Y - (0-100)
Command X=6 ( enable VST effect ), Y - (string) - 'disable', 'configure', 'VST name'
Command X=7 ( music control ), Y - 0:pause 1:resume
'0|C:musicgood.mp3' - start playing good.mp3 file
'0|' - stop playing any music
'1|How are you?' - start text to speech conversion with current selected narrator
'2|0' - turn Clownfish off
'2|1' - turn Clownfish on

Skype Voice Changer Pro. While there are many voice changing apps already available that sync with Skype to change your voice while on calls, however, this one's a tad different in its approach. It allows you to modify your voice with live effects or converse in a robotic voice. Change your voice or any.wav sound and have fun with the modified sound! Record your voice or import a wave file and apply any effect you want! Apply helium, alien, squirrel, robot, backwards, concerthall and many other funny effects to your voice! You can save your changed voices to. Microsoft photo editor deutsch download.

Example connection from C/C++ application: Best portable storage for photos.

Singing Voice Changer

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